Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 7:00 pm
Meeting held at 1185 Highway 1, Little Brook

PRESENT: Council: Warden Yvon LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Eric Pothier, Councillors Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, Philippe Gaudet, Carl Deveau, Brian Comeau, and Nadine Comeau
Staff: CAO, Stéphane Cyr, Executive Assistant, Ashley Hanks, Director of Finance, Ginette Cheff, and Director of Community Development, Pam Doucet
Presenters:  Brenda LaGrandeur, Western REN, Julian Boyle, SwitchPACE CIC, Dave Doucette and Shawn Craven, CFFA

1) Call to Order
The Warden called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2) Approval of the Agenda

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the proposed agenda be approved as circulated.

3) Declaration of Conflict of Interest.

4) Presentations
4.1 Regional PACE Program – Julian Boyle, SwitchPACE CIC 
Julien Boyle presented the Regional PACE Program (pdfSee attached).

Council thanked Mr. Boyle for his presentation. A formal decision on funding support for this project was deferred until such time as additional budget information is received from the WREN.

4.2 Clare Firefighters Association (CFFA) Quarterly Report – Dave Doucette and Shawn Craven
Shawn Craven read the report from the Clare Firefighters Association (CFFA) (pdfSee Attached).

The CAO thanked the CFFA for voicing their concerns. With Council’s direction, the CAO is working on a Request for Proposals for a comprehensive review of the fire service within the Municipality of Clare which should provide recommendations aimed at addressing these same concerns.

The CFFA also briefed Council on a letter it sent to the Nova Scotia Department of Public Works (NSPW). To date, it has not received a response. Council offered to have the CAO follow-up with NSPW if a response has not been received in the next two weeks.

 The CFFA was appreciative and thanked Council for their continued support.

5) Staff Reports  
5.1 Municipal Election 2024 - Pam Doucet, Director of Community Development
The Director of Community Development, Pam Doucet, provided an overview of the planning activities and motions of Council required in preparation of the upcoming municipal election in 2024 (pdfSee attached). 

Council made the following motions to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend appointing Pam Doucet as the Returning Officer for the 2024 Municipal and School Board Elections.

PROPOSED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend having a hybrid election with electronic voting during the advanced polls, from October 12, 2024, up to and including October 19, 2024, and paper ballots on election day, October 19, 2024.

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend delegating approval authority to the CAO to create the tariff of fees and election expenses.

5.2 Financial Update – Ginette Cheff, Director of Finance
The Director of Finance provided an overview of the Municipality’s financial position. (pdfSee attached)

6) Business arising from Previous Meetings
6.1 Revisions to Fee Schedule – Clare Transfer Station
In order to mitigate operational losses at the Clare Transfer Station, the Director of Finance, with the support of the CAO, is recommending the commercial tipping fees be increased to the following, effective April 1, 2024:

  • $145 / metric ton for garbage,
  • $145 / metric ton for recyclables,
  • $100 / metric ton for sorted construction debris,
  • $200 / metric ton for unsorted construction debris.

While this is a significant increase, the revised fees are still well below what is charged by neighboring municipal units. Council agreed with the revisions and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend increasing its commercial tipping fees to the following as of April 1, 2024:

  • $145 / metric ton for garbage,
  • $145 / metric ton for recyclables,
  • $100 / metric ton for sorted construction debris,
  • $200 / metric ton for unsorted construction debris.


6.2 Radar Speed Signs         
Following a recommendation put forward by the Police Advisory Board and subsequent discussions between members of Council, the CAO and Absolute Traffic & Sign Solutions, the CAO is recommending Council proceed with the purchase of the Evolution 12 Radar Speed Sign. Council agreed and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend purchasing an “Evolution 12 Radar Speed Sign” from Absolute Traffic & Sign Solutions Ltd., in the amount of $3,833 plus HST.

7) New Business
7.1 Acadian Cemetery and Chapel – Pointe-à-Major      

Staff is working with the Société Historique Acadienne de la Baie Sainte-Marie on a funding application to the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund. The goal of the application is to improve the climate resiliency of the site (which often floods during storm surges and high tides), all the while bettering the functionality and aesthetics of the site. Project elements involve mostly earth work and landscaping and remain the same as what was originally presented to Council last year when it was included as part of the larger Belliveau Cove project.

In terms of budget, the total project cost is $154,971. Proposed sources of funding are as follows:

  • Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund - $123,977 (80%)
  • Société Historique Acadienne de la Baie Sainte-Marie - $2,000 (1.3%)
  • Municipality of Clare - $28,994 (18.7%)

The CAO is recommending Council approve the proposed municipal funding contribution given the cultural and historical significance of the site, the excellent leveraging ($0.19 dollars), and the fact that funds will flow from next year’s budget (i.e., no impact to this fiscal). Council agreed and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend contributing $28,994 to the Société Historique Acadienne de la Baie Sainte-Marie in support of its application to the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund for improvements to the Acadian Cemetery and Chapel.

7.2 Excavation Services – Clare Transfer Station
Excavation services are budgeted for annually in support of staff’s efforts to sort material at the Municipality’s C&D site. To this end, an invitational tender was issued to 5 local businesses. Following a review of the bids, it is the recommendation of the CAO that Council award the tender for excavation services at the Clare Transfer Station to Spec Resources Inc. in the amount of $4,875 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend awarding the tender for excavation services at the Clare Transfer Station to Spec Resources Inc. in the amount of $4,875 plus HST.

7.3 New Pump – Wastewater Treatment Plant, Belliveau Cove
The pump at the Belliveau Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant failed unexpectedly and needs to be replaced. As a temporary measure, a pump was borrowed from the Church Point Plant. The cost of a new pump from the Municipality’s current provider has been quoted at $7,894.42 plus HST. The CAO is recommending the Municipality proceed with the purchase. Council agreed and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend purchasing a new pump for the Belliveau Cove Wastewater Treatment plant from Xylem Canada LP in the amount of $7,894.42 plus HST and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Canada Community-Building Fund Reserve.

Council asked the CAO to explore the option of keeping a spare pump in reserve.

8) Questions and Comments from the Public
Dave Doucette asked if photo radar would be a valid option for helping eliminate speeding in Clare. The CAO clarified that the RCMP was recommending the proposed sign to both curb speeding and allow for traffic counts, and that cameras were not discussed as an option.

9) Closed Session

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that Council proceed to closed session.

Topics Discussed:
9.1 Contract Negotiations

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.

9) Date and time of the next Council-in-Committee Meeting
The next Council-in-Committee Meeting will be held on January 3, 2024, at 7:00 pm.

10) Adjournment
PROPOSED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 pm.

Submitted by
Ashley Hanks,
Executive Assistant